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8 Reasons Why Video Marketing Will Work Wonders For Your Sales

8 Reasons Why Video Marketing Will Work Wonders For Your Sales

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to capture your audience’s attention. With more than 500 million hours of video watched every day on Youtube alone, video is one of the most popular ways for people to consume media.

This has been the case with TV for years, but in recent years we have seen the shift from traditional platforms we all know and love, to online alternatives.

The question on many business owners lips is how do you take advantage of these recent changes for your business? Video marketing scares many people from jumping in as they have no idea where to start.

Instead of letting fear paralyze you from taking action, all you need is a little information as to why marketing using video is here to stay. This article will take you through the most important reasons why video marketing is here to stay.

8 Reasons Why You Need Video Marketing For Your Sales

87% of online marketers are using video content for their efforts. That should be large enough of a number for you to realize you should be paying attention. The reason video marketing is being used so heavily is that it’s so effective.

With so many different principles of marketing to understand let’s explore some of the reasons why you should be using video in your marketing efforts.

1. Video Improves Conversion and Sales

One of the biggest reason video is so popular is it can make you a lot of money. Showing something as simple as a product video to a simple landing page can improve conversion by as much as 80%.

This advertising agency has been using videos on their landing pages to great effect and video can even lead to direct sales. If you apply common sense, it’s no surprise that video is so effective.

Vision is one of the most influencing senses that we possess as a lot of the information sent to our brains is visual.

2. ROI on Video is Impressive

A lot of businesses comment on how effective video is for their businesses in regards to ROI. 83% of businesses claim that video has a high ROI.

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This might surprise many of you that consider that video isn’t one of the cheapest solutions to create. However, you can always improvise and go for a different approach, not every video production has to be like a Hollywood movie.

Some of the most effective videos for conversion are things like product unboxing videos, animations, and branding videos.

3. Video Builds Trust

Trust is the one thing that you should be trying to build everytime somebody accesses a piece of your content. Trust is the driving force of sales and conversion.

The whole idea of content marketing is to build long-term trust and value. The beauty of video is it does all this.

Video engages you, ignites action and shows you the truth behind the camera. Video helps to show people that you are a real person behind the camera and not just a robot trying to take their money.

4. Google Adores Video

Video improves the amount of time that people will spend on your site. That’s why Google puts such a large amount of trust into your website when you regularly use video.

It might surprise you to know that you are 53 times more likely to show up first in Google if you have a video embedded directly into your site.

Yep, you heard that right, 53 times! That’s huge, and it’s no surprise considering the search giant now earns Youtube, the biggest video streaming site in the world.

Make sure you are optimizing your videos for SEO, and write titles and descriptions that are interesting and lead your customers back to you.

5. Mobile Users Love Video

Video and mobile are like two peas in a pod. 90% of mobile users are watching videos, and mobile use has been growing year on year and shows no sign of slowing down.

As the audience of mobile users continues to grow, so will the number of people watching video content. You will also find that people who watch videos on their mobiles are more likely to connect with the content compared to if they watch it on a television set.

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6. Video Marketing Can Explain The Whole Picture

Do you have a complex idea or business model that you are launching, and are finding it difficult to explain how it works? A video can explain the whole thing in one go.

That’s the reason you’ll see so many businesses using an explainer video on their homepages. The purpose of the video is to guide your audience.

You can explain difficult concepts especially well by using animated videos. You can break down even the most complex subjects into animation and pictures.

7. People Love To Consume Video

A ton of people are spending time watching videos. TV has been training us for years, so it’s no surprise that we are migrating those habits onto mobile devices.

We spend a whole third of online activity watching videos which is an average of 32 videos a month. People love video for a number of reasons but it boils down to the fact they are simple and fun to consume.

Make sure to create videos that are engaging but not too long, 2 minutes is around about the sweet spot for making the perfect video.

8. People Use Videos To Learn About Your Product

Videos are a huge factor for businesses as they can often be the biggest influencer in pushing a consumer to make a decision. There’s something about seeing a product in real life in a video that gives buyers confidence before making a purchase.

It’s no doubt linked to how people process information too. People who watch videos are 95% more likely to retain a message compared to 10% who read.

Time to Start Video Marketing Your Business

Have you been delaying producing video marketing for your business? By understanding these eight important tips to why video marketing is so successful, you can begin to lay the foundations of a truly successful marketing campaign.

For more advice on how to effectively market your business, check out our other posts.

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