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5 Ways Video Marketing Can Help Your SEO

5 Ways Video Marketing Can Help Your SEO

According to Marketing Land, 81 percent of businesses will use some type of video marketing in their SEO strategy this year. That’s a 15 percent increase from last year!

The popularity of video for marketing purposes is still growing rapidly, but some businesses are still hesitant to embrace the power of video.

Here are five ways that video marketing can help your overall SEO strategy.

1) It Builds Your Library of Content

SEO or SEM, like that offered by Loyal Dog Marketing, involves so much more than great links, keywords, and usability. It also requires sites to take a more content-driven approach to their marketing.

And like a blog post, marketing with video helps expand your site’s library of content.

It’s a great way to diversify the types of content your website hosts and may even draw in some new eyes.

2) Video is Shareable

There’s a good chance that you or someone you know share videos on a regular basis. And you wouldn’t be alone!

Plenty of people tend to share video due to the emotional response it elicits.

You can paint a great verbal picture with your latest blog post, but our brains are wired to empathize with people over words.

Incorporating emotions like humor and warmth are great ways to make your videos even more shareable.

3) Video Marketing Offers a Higher Level of Engagement

It’s easy to think that video marketing is a one-sided affair. Yet it’s believed that video offers an extremely high level of engagement.

In part, this is due to the aforementioned emotional response associated with seeing another person.

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But that’s not the only reason.

People want to use their voice to make their opinion heard. And encouraging your users to share and comment on videos is a great way to boost engagement.

The more comments a video had, the better it seems to rank. More user engagement means a higher ranking for your site.

4) Video Can Help Establish Brand Identity

How well do your customers know your brand? Not all that well, most likely.
By using video, you can educate audiences on your brand as well as establish an overall tone and identity for your business.

Are you laid back? More buttoned-up, maybe?

Creating videos that mesh with your theme strengthens your overall brand awareness. Viewers come away from the video with a sense of “knowing” you or your brand a bit better, thus humanizing your brand.

5) Content Consistency Matters

It’s great to have a wide swath of content, but how frequently you upload matters, as well.

YouTube, the world’s biggest video platform, is owned by Google.

Just like how Google rewards brands who regularly publish fresh content, YouTube’s algorithm is designed to do the same.

The more you upload, the better your chances of increasing your ranking!

Using Video in Your SEO Strategy is a Must

These are just five reasons why video marketing is a great way to reach audiences and boost your SEO score at the same time.

Interested in learning more, or just want to see other ways you can increase your site’s visibility? Be sure to check back with our blog for great information for your business’s digital strategy.

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