Drink the Link and SEO Juice to Boost Your Ranking

SEO juice is a piece of solving the mystery of SEO. It’s a slang term that refers to the quality of the links on a web page or throughout a website.
Think of it as link juice or backlinks. They all mean the same thing – using links to improve rankings.
This article will show how websites can utilize this strategy to impact their rankings and ultimately their sales.
How SEO Juice Impacts Rankings
Typically, a website that has few internal and external links will rank poorly and have little influence.
Search engines treat a websites links like votes. The more votes a website has, the more likely it offers content of value to readers.
At the most basic level, the more links a website has (internal and external) the higher the rankings.
The difference here is that the votes are weighted, unlike a typical election where all votes are equal. It’s a matter of quality vs. quantity. The more influence a website has, the higher a website will rank.
For example, a website that has links from sites like Forbes will have more weight than a website that has links from the bowling alley down the street.
Once time and a little strategy are put into links and the ‘juice’ flows throughout the site, the more important the site becomes in the algorithms to search engines.
The end result is higher rankings.
Get Internal Links In Order
While there are creative ways to get organic links, a good starting point to build your SEO juice is internal linking.
Many SEO experts believe that internal linking can significantly influence search results.
Internal links tell search engines how your website is structured and spread the link juice between pages. They also help readers navigate a website.
Be sure not to add too many internal links on a page. Too many links can dilute the juice that links pass to each other.
Text Matters
The anchor text that’s used for your links matter as well. This is how a website can boost their SEO juice game.
Search engines look at the text as a guide to determine the topic of a web page.
Let’s say there’s a blog post about where to buy kratom. The post contains the text where to buy kratom with a link to a site to purchase it.
Search engines can assume from the anchor text that the topic of the article is where to buy kratom.
One important item to note, search engines look at the number of times a keyword is used as anchor text. If a web page has several links with the same anchor text (that happens to be the keyword), search engines are likely to consider it as spam.
Use Juice to Boost Rankings
There are many SEO tactics and strategies used to boost search engine rankings.
Link juice can be a major part of an SEO strategy and it can be implemented without having to wait to get external links.
Read our blog to get the most out of your links and make your website user-friendly.