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7 Simple SEO Solutions for a Medical Wear Company

7 Simple SEO Solutions for a Medical Wear Company

Today’s health care workers are the unsung heroes who care for your loved ones when they’re at their worst.

So, shouldn’t they look and feel their best?

In your opinion, yes — and that’s why you take pride in meeting their clothing needs through your medical wear company.

The problem, though, is that today’s medical field workers can’t dress for success in your scrubs or other offerings if they can’t find you.

That’s where search engine optimization, or SEO, comes in.

Research shows that businesses’ SEO marketing spending will jump from $11 billion in 2008 to $79 billion in 2020, as it is proven to work.

If you want as many medical professionals to see your company’s website as possible, here are seven simple SEO solutions to help drive traffic there.

1. SEO Solutions Include Focusing on Analytics

If you’re like many business owners, seeing the word “analytics” may cause your brain to immediately shut down.

Yes, we understand that web analytics may be extremely confusing. After all, in your website analytics results, you might see all kinds of terms and numbers you don’t understand.

For instance, is there truly a difference among page views, unique visitors and visits?

The reality is that even though analytics can certainly be confusing, they can be very helpful if you’d like to answer the following questions, for example:

  • “Is Facebook truly sending traffic to my website?”
  • “What percentage of people are looking at my website via their smartphones?”
  • “Which of my scrubs is receiving the lowest number of views?”
  • “Where exactly is my audience located?”

Also, if you’re utilizing a platform like Squarespace or Shopify, these platforms feature built-in analytics that may prove helpful to you as well. Google Analytics is another tool designed to help you to better use your resources and time — and the best part is that it’s free.

2. Keywords Are Key

Whether you’re producing copy for a blog, your website’s about page or product descriptions, it’s paramount that you insert relevant keywords.

A keyword is essentially a phrase and/or word that people type in when looking for something on a search engine.

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For example, when looking for a medical wear company’s products, users may type in “blue scrubs” or “nursing scrubs.” (View here to see what pages might pop up in response to these keywords.)

So, why exactly are keywords so crucial? Because they lead shoppers straight to your site. Your website has a greater chance of showing up high on a Google search results page if it has users’ commonly used keywords sprinkled throughout it.

You can figure out what keywords to insert into your website’s copy simply by thinking from your target customer’s viewpoint. Specifically, imagine what a customer would type in if he or she has never heard of your company before.

In addition, online keyword tools can tell you how often various keywords have been searched. Just be sure to avoid engaging in “keyword stuffing,” where you repeat certain keywords in an effort to boost your search engine optimization ranking. This may actually have the opposite effect on your website’s ranking.

3. Add Descriptions to Your Images

To further give your online rankings a boost, consider adding descriptions and alt text to your photos.

Alt text and descriptions simply give search engines, such as Google, information about your images’ subject matters.

In addition, users who use screen readers or who have visual impairments can find out what your images show.

4. Keep Things Fresh

No, we’re not talking about your scrubs here. (Although offering fresh scrubs is a given.)

We’re referring to your website.

Search engines focus on sharing sites that feature up-to-date, new subject matter. Therefore, if you add brand-new content on a regular basis, you increase your website’s chances of being promoted.

You can easily do this by adding your medical company’s Instagram feed to your site or even blogging on a regular basis.

5. Take Linking Seriously

Let’s talk about internal links for a minute.

Internal links are when you add links to a page on your website that link to other pages on the website. For instance, perhaps you could include a customer review on a certain page and include in it a link to the product that the customer reviewed.

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Internal links are incredibly great for search engine optimization and keep visitors on your page. This is important because the longer a viewer stays on your site, the greater his or her chances of buying your products.

Of course, double-check to make sure that all of your site’s internal links actually work. If they don’t, this can have a negative impact on your website’s ranking.

6. Decrease Your Image’s Size

When Google ranks your site, it takes into account the site’s load time.

A delay of just one second can cost you in e-commerce conversions. This might sound crazy, but it’s truly not when you think about how fast-paced our society is.

You ideally want your website to load in no more than two seconds for the best search engine optimization results.

One of the best ways to improve your load time is to make sure that your image sizes are not too large. So, if you are saving a photo in Photoshop, be sure to choose “Save for Web,” as this compresses the size of the file so that the file doesn’t negatively affect your site’s load time.

7. Rename All Image Files

While we’re on the topic of images, be sure to upload them to your website only after changing their names from the ones that your camera gave them.

For instance, let’s say you choose the file “DSC54987” for your home page. Rename this to “WomaninGreenScrub1” before you include it on your site.


Because just as Google reviews your website’s written copy, it searches your website photos to provide relevant user search results. Google cannot “see” your photos, so it depends on their file names to determine what your photos are showing.

How We Can Help

We offer a wide range of tips and advice regarding SEO solutions for today’s business owners.

Take a peek here to find out more about how the right SEO practices can help to drive your website — and thus your business — to the number-one spot in your industry.

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